This weekend Carissa got to bring home the class guinea pig, Johnny. I was a little skeptical at first, but she had taken responsibility all week at school by changing the paper, giving it water and feeding it so I decided it was ok. I was a little worried that Ryan was going to "freak out" but he was so excited. He wanted Johnny to sleep in his bed with him. We had to compromise and put the cage in Ryan's room. Poor Johnny, Ryan was after him the whole weekend. I am sure that little guy was ready to go back to school.

Of course, Ben had to give Carissa the lecture " Johnny is your responsibility, we are not going to take care of him" BLAH BLAH BLAH. One guess who was up before everybody playing with Johnny. Ben was even changing the paper and feeding him. I think Ben was the saddest when we took Johnny back to school this morning. Maybe, if he is a good boy, Santa will bring him one.
Isn't that always how it is with kids and pets? The parents end up doing the work.
I really like your blog look!
It's so good to see the kids. We miss you guys so much. I will have Avery read all the interesting things that Carissa gets to do.And send her a message.