I am sure y'all (yup, still have the Texas slang) think how lucky I am to have domestic help.
Well....think again. They are like having grown children, you have to tell them step by step how to do things over and over. I somtimes think to myself, "it probably would be a lot quicker if I just did it myself", but then I hear Ben in the back of my mind saying...."we are helping the Indian ecomony". It sounds like I dont appreciate Easwari, our housekeeper, but don't get me wrong, I totally value her when the dishes are stacked in the sink, laundry is piled high and the floors need mopping. I know, I know, I sound like a total snob, but just to let you know she is the best paid housekeeper in our apartment building.

Well....think again. They are like having grown children, you have to tell them step by step how to do things over and over. I somtimes think to myself, "it probably would be a lot quicker if I just did it myself", but then I hear Ben in the back of my mind saying...."we are helping the Indian ecomony". It sounds like I dont appreciate Easwari, our housekeeper, but don't get me wrong, I totally value her when the dishes are stacked in the sink, laundry is piled high and the floors need mopping. I know, I know, I sound like a total snob, but just to let you know she is the best paid housekeeper in our apartment building.
Now that I finished bagging on the poor lady, let me give her kudos. Today our dryer decided not work (not surprising in India) so Easwari decided to make a make-shift clothes line.

As you can see we started with towels and later she moved to shirts. Thankfully she is waiting for the dryer to be fixed before doing the unmentionables. When I came home and saw this, I thought I was out camping with my family... I sure was missing home!
Easwari was a little surprised that I was ok with clothes hanging on a rope in Ryan's room, little does she know this is how I grew up. I gave her the proper credit for thinking out of the box and told her how well she did. She was soooo happy, it was as if I put a GOLD STAR next to her name on the refrigerator. The rest of the day she had a little pep in her step and confidence in her face. Like I said....it is like having another child.
As promised our new design........

Carissa and Easwari trying to stay between the lines.
Nieveta and Kalpana (Easwari's daughters) working on the design. Nieveta drew the design with chalk first then they starting filling it in with color. It took them about 2 hours to complete. What a way for two teenage girls to spend a Friday night. This design will stay until Monday so you will have to stay tuned and see what is to come.
Have a Great Weekend!
Hey, nice site. Like the chalk drawings, even with Ryan's modifications.
I'll be checking this every once in awhile. We need to get a video IM thing going.
I'm looking forward to the deigns each week. They're so pretty! How interesting!