Diwali is the time of year here in India that is like Christamas/New Year rolled into one.

Next we had to light the lamp to symbolise " A new light to get rid of the darkness". We each had to light a wick for good luck in the new year.

Of course, how could we celebrate a new year, good luck, and rid evil without our good friend GANESH
The tradition is to get new clothes, gives sweets and light a heck of a lot of firecrakers. Since we we out of town, we decided to have a party for our staff and their families before we left.
I let Easwari take control of the party, I just provided the house and funds. She was so excited, even her husband, Ramesh was into the party planning.
First thing...First...Nievta and Kalpana had to make the kolom out in front of the house. Since it is Diwali we are supposed to add lights "diyas". These diyas are little clay saucers that are painted. Oil and a wick were added to the saucers and then were lit. It is hard to believe what lights can do to a kolom.

Next we had to light the lamp to symbolise " A new light to get rid of the darkness". We each had to light a wick for good luck in the new year.

It was time to eat. I said we were going traditional so it was eating on the floor, on banana leafs and with our hands.
Niveta, Sujata, Swami, Ramesh and Easwari.
Ryan, Prakash,Sathia,Kalpana,Niveta and Sujata.
After, dinner it was time to go outside and enjoy some fireworks.
The party ended after the last firework burnt out. We had a great time celebrating Diwali with our "Indian Family".