It involves mixing a lot of dry fruits and nuts and then adding wine and rum. The big hotels make a Grand hurrah about this. They usually invite celebritites and VIP guests to do the honors. Luckily, our friends at the Asiana (http://www.asianahotels.com/) put together an event for a different kind of VIP's, the kids. The hotel went all out, as they usually do, by providing hats, gloves and cute aprons, which we got to keep.

Lets get ready to mix.........

As you can see, the kids had a blast. It was all fun until the adults started pouring in the wine and rum. At that point the kids started to slowly leave. Carissa said the smell was too strong. If the smell was strong I can't wait to see what it's going to taste like.
I thought these were the cutest things....the pastery chef made them. He is the same guy who won the award and made those cool sculptures I blogged (India's Got Talent) about some time ago.


We all had to dress up in traditional Indian clothes. We had fun "mingling" with all our friends.

Ms. Lauri (Carissa's teacher)

Carissa, Ryan, Amy, Christian and Michael

Grace,Darlene,Emi,Sun Oak,Angie and Kim
Believe it or not, I have friends too.
We headed to the Gym for some dancing. Carissa and I learned "Dandiya" dancing, which is from the Northern state of Gujurat. This dance was fun once we learned how to use the sticks. It could be dangerous if you didn't get it right.
Even Ryan got into it....

Next we had to light the lamp to symbolise " A new light to get rid of the darkness". We each had to light a wick for good luck in the new year.

It was time to eat. I said we were going traditional so it was eating on the floor, on banana leafs and with our hands.
Niveta, Sujata, Swami, Ramesh and Easwari.
Ryan, Prakash,Sathia,Kalpana,Niveta and Sujata.
After, dinner it was time to go outside and enjoy some fireworks.
The party ended after the last firework burnt out. We had a great time celebrating Diwali with our "Indian Family".

We all just lounged by the pools and hopped between them and the beach. The kids had fun at the beach. The water was clear after the tide went out. You could see the bottom of the ocean. Carissa found a starfish, but she forgot her underwater camera so we couldn't take a picture.

Carissa made sure and got a seat in the front row. After the show she got to go on stage to take some pictures. I guess being a cute tourist pays off....

Our next stop was in a village called Celuk, it is known for its silver jewelery. We were not allowed to take pictures but they showed us the process of melting the silver and how they make the different designs. This village was silver shop, after silver shop. I would have stayed there all day if Ben would have let me.
On to Kintamani volcano....the kids were really excited to see this. It is an active volcano, but hasn't erupted in quite a long time.

Ryan had is own little encounter with a monkey and he has the scare to prove it.
As you can see the kids are enjoying this little monkey. Well the monkey decided that Ryan was too cute so he jumped at him and scratched him on his ear. We all freaked out, but Ryan went into hysterics. It was just a small scratch and we put disinfectant right away. He talked about it all night long, we thought for sure he was going to have nightmares, but he didn't.

After that incident, we called it a day.