After day one of work out, which was from 4 to 5:45, Carissa was exhausted. I was not sure if she was ready for this, but the competitive child that she is she was going to give it her all. So now we had swim practice four times a week and time trials every other Saturday.
After the second week, Ms. Elizabeth informed us that the Big Bad Blue Swim Meet, ho
sted by our school, was coming up in the middle of September and that Carissa would be able to swim.
There was going to be about 120 swimmers from different swim clubs in Chennai. I was a little hesitant about his, but Ben said it would be good for her. We told her the night before the meet that we just wanted her to try her best and not give up.
On Saturday morning, Swim Meet day, she was so jittery. I had never seen her so nervous (not even at the softball state championship). She told me she was afraid of coming in last. I told her not to worry about that and to "Just Keep Swimming", she laughed and was on her way. Her first race she came in 3rd. The jitters were gone and she started having fun with the rest of the team.
When all was said and done, she was in the top half of the kids with regards to time. Not bad for a 4th grader. Just wait until next year........

Way to go! That's good!