Domestic Engineer.....

My parents always wanted me to be an engineer, but I don't think this is what they had in mind.
Since living here I have had a housekeeper, but recently I had to fire her. She had been with us a little of a year and was getting a little too comfortable in our home. We had been thinking about letting her go for awhile now, but because the kids were so attached to her (so we thought) we looked the other way on certain things. I finally had enough and told her to get packing. We explained what happened to Carissa that afternoon when she got home from school. I was worried how Ryan was going to react.....I am still waiting, he as not even asked for her once in the two weeks she has been gone.
So it was back to housecleaning for me. I am not saying that I am too good to clean my own house, but wished I had the proper tools. I am not complaining that I don't have Rosie, from the Jetsons, hi-tech tools, but I would like some a little better than Wilma Flinstones.
This is our version of cleaning the rug. They don't have vaccum cleaners here.This is a bundle of hard pieces of straw that are held together by some ribbon. You have to bend way over and use some strength to move the dirt off the rug.

Now that you got all the dirt off the rug, you have to sweep it up.

Yes...That is the broom!

While I am sweeping, I have to put a load of laundry in because our washer takes FOREVER and only holds a small load. The dryer takes longer and is about the same doing laundry is a MUST everyday.

Once the cleaning is done...then it is time to prepare dinner. Again, I am not complaining that I have to cook, but come on give me a break......

I think I would rather use my Dad's camping stove

Oven....Need I say more!

The hunt has started for a new housekeeper and cook. Wish me luck!!!!!!

3 Responses

  1. Joni Says:

    How did it go today with the new replacement?

    Thinking about YOU!!

    Love ya,

  2. Darlene Says:

    I think the new girl just might work. Keep your fingers crossed.