Carissa's main goal was to hold a koala so being the daddy's girl that she is that is just what we did.

She was nice enough to let the rest of us pet the koala while "she" held it, but would NOT let any of us hold it.
After the koalas it was off to find Kanagroos. This is where Ryan had a blast. At first I was a little hesitant that they would not be so friendly, but like anything if you have food they will come.

As you can see the kangaroos were VERY friendly. We all had so much fun with them. We spent hours just feeding them and petting them. It was very hard not to bring one home. I am sure my nieces in Arizona will be really upset with me for not bringing them one.
Carissa and Ryan tried to put this one on the bus with them. This little joey is only 6 months old.

The Koalas are so cute! Of course, daddy's girl got to hold (and take hostage) of the koala! How funny! And I love the picture of Ryan with his hat on feeding the kangaroos! FUUUUUNNNN!